“Ndi nna nnanyi na ezuko maka na anyi zukoro / Imaaqai, suvulivut katittut katisimagannuk / The ancestors are meeting because we have met “ ”
Ndi nna nnanyi na ezuko maka na anyi zukoro / Imaaqai, suvulivut katittut katisimagannuk / The ancestors are meeting because we have met" is a video performance piece that features a conversation between the artist and Katherine Takpannie, an Inuk artist, in their respective native languages: Igbo and Inuktitut. Through their halting attempts to speak their mother tongue, the work evidences language as both a site of ongoing colonial violence and a potential space for healing and restitution. Collapsing time and space, the piece uses language to ground both women in the presence of their ancestors – both living, in the form of the parental figures they turn to for translation, and those already transitioned – and envision otherwise Black and Indigenous futurities.
Key words: Black and Indigenous futurities; anti-imperial solidarities; language; healing; coloniality; restituiton; ancestors; diaspora; settler-colonialism; imperialism; neo-colonialism
“Ndi nna nnanyi na ezuko maka na anyi zukoro / Imaaqai, suvulivut katittut katisimagannuk / The ancestors are meeting because we have met", video, 22:01, 2022